Both project monitoring & evaluation can be cornerstones in helping internal project teams responding effectively to the increased expectations that are placed upon them. They can also help organizations operate more efficiently and more profitably.
Call them the twin peaks of continuity – "Project Monitoring" and "Project Evaluation." There are certainly similarities between them, but they are not quite the same processes. Both can be cornerstones in helping internal project Teams responding effectively to the increased expectations that are placed upon them. They can also help organizations operate more efficiently and more profitably.
The concept of Project Evaluation is fairly straightforward: Project Evalution activities on a frequent repeated basis to provide ongoing assurance and more timely insight into risk and control issues.
Project monitoring is also straightforward: It is essentially a process that falls under management’s responsibility, in which key business process transactions and controls are constantly assessed. This permits ongoing insight into the effectiveness of controls and the integrity of transactions running within them.